At My ADHD Coach, we offer bespoke coaching and support for people who are neurodiverse, have hidden disabilities and need support with. their mental health. This includes business coaching, social media mentoring, mental health support and administration services too.
It is specific support to those who are looking to thrive, not just survive in life, personally, professionally and in business.
The MY ADHD Coach Team are passionate about helping you gain clarity, confidence and find a new level of productivity. ​Through our coaching programme and with our support, you will gain the focus, the tools and mindset to help you succeed in your life and career goals.​
Jo Picken, Founder and Lead Coach at My ADHD Coach

"My ADHD Coach", your companion on the journey towards mastering your unique potential!
Neurodiversity, Invisible Illnesses, Hidden Disabilities, and Mental Health: Embracing Every Mind at My ADHD Coach
At My ADHD Coach, we believe that every brain is wired differently, and that’s not something to “fix”—it’s something to celebrate and understand.
We focus on the unique needs of those navigating the world with ADHD and other neurodiverse conditions, as well as those dealing with invisible illnesses, hidden disabilities, and mental health challenges. Whether it’s managing focus, energy, or the emotional toll of feeling misunderstood, we’re here to provide support and tools to help you thrive.
What Is Neurodiversity?
Neurodiversity is the term that describes neurological differences, like ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, PDA and other cognitive variations. It recognises that these differences bring strengths, creativity, and perspectives that enrich our world. We work with neurodiverse individuals to build on those strengths while addressing challenges in practical ways.
Mental Health: An Ongoing Journey
Mental health is a crucial part of the conversation, especially for those living with neurodiverse conditions. The connection between mental health and neurodiversity is strong, with many experiencing co-occurring issues like anxiety, depression, or emotional regulation difficulties. Our whole team supports mental well-being by offering practical, day-to-day strategies, along with the encouragement, a listening ear and understanding. No one should have to go through this journey alone, and we’re here to walk it with you.
Admin/Business Support
We understand that the everyday admin tasks that come with running a business, managing work, or even personal life can feel overwhelming, especially for individuals with neurodiverse traits. Whether it’s organising your calendar, managing emails, staying on top of projects or just someone there to keep you accountable, these tasks can often become sources of stress. At My ADHD Coach, we offer practical tools, systems, and coaching to help you streamline these processes and reclaim control. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, freelancer, or navigating a busy life, we’re here to help you create systems that work with your brain, not against it.
Invisible Illnesses and Hidden Disabilities
Not all disabilities are visible. Many people live with conditions that affect their daily lives but aren't immediately apparent (or visable) to others. This could include Neurodiversity, Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia, POTs, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Anxiety and Depression, to name a few. These hidden disabilities often bring unique challenges, such as needing accommodations in work or education environments. At My ADHD Coach, we understand how frustrating it can be to navigate a world that doesn’t always see what you're going through. We help you advocate for yourself and find strategies to thrive in all areas of life.
Access to Work Support
One of the biggest challenges for neurodiverse individuals and those with hidden disabilities is navigating the workplace. Whether it’s managing tasks, communication, or dealing with distractions, work environments often aren’t designed for the way your brain works. That’s where Access to Work (a UK government program) comes in. It provides practical and financial support to help you overcome barriers in your job. At My ADHD Coach, we assist in navigating this system, offering guidance on how to apply, what to ask for, and how to get the accommodations you need to excel in your career.
Using our unique blend of expertise, we crafted "My ADHD Coach", a programme of support, which offer comprehensive strategies tailored to the needs of adults in business and the other focused on supporting the distinct challenges of being neurodiverse business owner.
Our goal is to transform the way neurodiversity is perceived, not as a limitation, but as a source of unique strength and creativity. Join us on this empowering journey and let's together redefine the narrative of your life and your neurodiversity!
As a neurodivergent individual myself, thriving with my ADHD, EDA and Dyslexic Superpowers, I bring a unique suite of expertise to the table, such as big picture strategy, passion, innovation along with tons of empathy and understanding, not least years of Business Coaching, Social Media Mentoring, experience. Plus qualifications in teaching, mentoring, coaching, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Tapping Training, and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Coaching.
Our mission is to empower all adults (especially those with neurodiversity, hidden disabilities and mental health issues), aiming to help you realise your unique potential and support in navigating your professional and digital lives successfully.